Targeted Supplements

Available at DMXI:

Salvestrol - Available at DMXI


Salvestrol® is available at the office of Dr. Adam G. Crouch, Inc. Salvestrol® is a phytonutrient that is markedly deficient in our everyday nutrition. Whether you think yourself to be healthy or are facing a significant health challenge, adding Salvestrol® as a daily supplement can help you improve your health. There is nothing else quite like it in its action as you will see. Please scroll through the information attached to learn more about the benefits of Salvestrol®. You may call to make an appointment with Dr. Crouch to discuss using the supplement Salvestrol® and making advantageous changes to your diet to enhance the benefit of Salvestrol®.



Basic Nutrition and Getting Started (PDF)
Salvestrol Overview (PDF)
Evidence of CYP1B1, Dan Burke (PDF)
Salvestrol Q & A (PDF)
Salvestrol Journal Article (PDF)
Researcher Chemist Gerry Potter (PDF)

For more company information or to purchase directly from the company, click below:

Salvestrol Books - Available at DMXI

Salvestrol® Books

The two books on Salvestrol® shown here can be obtained at the office of Dr. Adam G. Crouch, Inc. or you can order the books online.
Voluntastrols - Available at DMXI


Voluntastrol® is a new supplement made available by the dedicated research of Dr. Anthony and Megan Daniels. This is now available at the office of Dr. Adam G. Crouch, Inc. Voluntastrols are complex of specific proprietary botanical extracts acting as phyto-nutrients to the maintenance of brain health. Please click on the adjacent link to visit the Voluntastrol website for more information. You may call to make an appointment with Dr. Crouch to discuss using the supplement Voluntastrol.

For more company information or to purchase directly from the company, click below:

LypoSalve - Available at DMXI

LypoSalve Liposomal Salvestrols® Adaptive Skin Care

The new formulation of LypoSalve is available at the office of Dr. Adam G. Crouch, Inc.
For more company information or to purchase directly from the company, click below:

LifeVantage Protandim - Available at DMXI

Protandim® NRF2 Synergizer™

Protandim® is available at the office of Dr. Adam G. Crouch, Inc. Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer is engineered to help you rejuvenate your cells. It's the only patented formula scientifically proven in a clinical study to reduce the oxidative stress in humans by an average of 40 percent in 30 days. It's been researched, tested and validated by some of the world's leading universities and institutions.



Dr. Adam G. Crouch, Inc. Letter (PDF)
LifeVantage Science Newsletter, Issue 6 (PDF)
Review: Nrf2, a multi-organ protector? (PDF)
Multiple Sclerosis Journal Article (PDF)

To purchase directly from the company, click below:

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.